Bulldog Central
We will be hosting tryouts soon for our 8u team!
Age Division: 8u Age Division
Area/Cities: Salt Lake County
Info: Club Hardball’s Mission is “To Provide a Foundational Experience for Baseball and Life in Preparation for High School Baseball.” We are looking to build an 8u team for 2021 Fall as well as our 2022 Spring season. We have two indoor facilities, our own field (the Dog Pound), our own Speed and Agility Trainer and training equipment, coupled with a skills development approach to helping our players be the best they can be. Please go to our website to get a better understanding of our program: www.clubhardballbaseball.com. Also, go to our social media sites: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube for additional detail.
Tryouts: July 17, 2021 – 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Contact: Jordan McFarland| 801.414.7598 (text or call).
Email: jmcfar16@yahoo.com
Hello Bulldog Family!
I hope everyone is staying safe. As we continue with the Covid-19 challenges, we’ve been working to add content behind our Website and Social Media presence for our ballplayers. Here’s what the Club has around online and social media presence:
As always, we have daily/weekly feeds going into our Social Media channels of Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. There are no significant changes to these channels, but we ask all our members to Consistently “Like” and “Share” our posts. This is one of the most important ways we can gain sponsors when they can be assured their message or product is being seen by many Club Hardball followers.
Our website looks similar but with the following changes. Below is the main page where you will notice a new section called Bulldog Central – this is where we will post important updates and messages. Additionally, we have moved the Players of the Week as its own menu item.
The big change is around our Training drop down – inside you will see areas for Baseball Fundamentals. With the help of Patrick (our 9u Head Coach), Tyson (12u Dad and Titan Web), and our other Coaches (Jim, Chris, Chris, Chad and Alex), we created an area where Moms, Dads, and Players can go to pull down video’s by position. Click on the position you want to see, and it will take you to all the video’s we have for that position.
We set up our own Club YouTube channel where our coaches, players, etc. can post relevant and approved content. As you can see, we’ve already posted 8 video’s around specific drills as well as Speed and Agility from Matt. Please take the time to go to this channel and Subscribe, Like and Share for the same reasons stated above… our Sponsors love this!
Coming soon will be the “Weekly Coaches Challenge” where we will post a Club wide drill that every player on every team should do for that week. Every Sunday night, Coach Patrick will post the link to the challenge to each GroupMe channel. It will then be up to each Player, Coach, and Team to “Get’er Done.”
Finally, please know the Board of Directors is continuing to meet weekly and communicate daily about the current Covid-19 status. As things unfold, we will clearly communicate what is happening next. Stay safe and God Bulldogs!
Brad D. Beadles
Founder | Skill Development
801.918.9037 (Mobile Phone)
chbbtreasurer@gmail.com (Email)
Club Hardball Bulldog Baseball, LLC ⚾️
Club Hardball Parents,
We hope you are all staying well and adjusting to the recent changes in our daily schedules.
As events unfold locally, nationally, and internationally, with the spread of COVID-19, the status of Club Hardball, games, practices, and training sessions has not changed. Our decision and response to the situation have been common sense steps to limit transmission of the virus as the health and safety of our players, coaches, and families are our main priority.
Practices, training sessions, games, and Club events are suspended through May 1. We will continue to monitor information from Federal and State leaders when these activities are prudent and safe to resume. Currently, Wasatch and RMSB league play is scheduled to start the middle of April, but with the recent state announcement on school dismissal and several city parks and complexes closed through April 30, both leagues are evaluating contingency plans for the season’s start dates. In addition, tournaments that some of our teams were planning to play have been cancelled, including RMSB Spring Training Tournament and Vegas Valley. If a tournament is cancelled, we are keeping separate accounts for each team for which the tournament money will be credited. We will work with each of the teams’ head coaches to determine how tournament cancellation refunds will be used regarding future tournaments or other options. We will keep teams updated as we learn about additional tournament cancellations.
As many of you are aware, the Salt Lake Bees season has been put on hold and the start of the season is to be determined. As a result, we will provide additional information about the fundraiser as we learn more about the future of the Bees’ season.
During this challenging time, we encourage players to take this as an opportunity to make themselves a better player, by throwing the baseball and getting their swings in. Many of our coaches have put together home workouts and drills, and starting next week, the Club will be communicating weekly challenges, conditioning, and skills workouts.
Thank you for your patience and support.
Club Hardball Board of Directors
Good Day Club Hardball – one of my aspirations for the ballplayers/parents of Club Hardball is to understand how lucky we all are to have each other and support those we can who may be less fortunate. Through Grace, we sponsor an effort known as Grace4Haiti. Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world. Anything we can do to help is important. I would ask to consider helping if you want to… anything can help.

Bulldog Family,
With the recent events in Major League Baseball involving the Houston Astro’s, I felt it appropriate to address the topic of who we are and why we do things the way we do?
Let me start by saying, I’m “old school” and Club Hardball exists for a very specific reason. It all starts with our Mission Statement of “Providing a Foundational Experience for Baseball and Life in Preparation for High School Baseball.” I stand very firm on this mission as baseball is a tool for life and we as parents and coaches have huge influence on our young ballplayers.
Club Hardball is as competitive as any other Player, Coach, Team or Club out there… the difference is we strive to do it the right way and not at the expense of disrespecting the game of baseball, our opponents, or those participating in Club Hardball. It is very easy to get caught up in the following:
- • Parents Yelling
- • Coaches Yelling
- • Coaches Playing Favorites
- • Win At All Costs Approach
- • More Games Than Practices
- • Trophies Over Development
- • Not Maintaining Pitch Counts
- • Parents Altering Birth Certificates
- • Individualism Over Team And Club
- • Bringing “Ringers” To Tournaments
- • Parents Meddling Rather Than Supporting
- • Allowing Sarcasm and Degrading Comments
- • Coaching For Your Son Rather Than The Collective
- • Looking Like A Hip Hop Artist Rather Than A Baseball Player
- • Parents Holding Their Kids Back A Grade To Be More Competitive
- • Replacing Players for Lack of Talent Rather Than Developing Them
- • Etc….
All of these are very real issues I have seen way to much of outside of Club Hardball… these behaviors and actions do not foster the growth of our young athletes to be quality young men and quality baseball players. Here’s a hard reality…
- • High school senior players eventually drafted by an MLB team is about 0.005 percent.
- • College players drafted by a MLB team is 10.5 percent.
- • Drafted baseball players almost always go to a minor league team. Only 5.6 percent of minor league players make it to the MLB.
Our young athletes are going to become Plumbers, Doctors, Lawyers, and Sales people. They are going to go home after a hard day’s work and take care of their families. They are going to show respect for their spouse. They are going to guide their children. They are going to coach their young daughters and sons. What they learn at Club Hardball will carry over to their adult lives.
Our young athletes are like a blank slate… they see what we as adults do and mimic us! Club Hardball isn’t for everyone because we don’t allow certain things and enforce rules.
The “15 minute” pre-practice rule, the “5 minute” post-game talk rule, no flat hats, no cleats not Club issued, etc. It’s easy to be part of the crowd and disregard authority… it’s not easy to do what is right and be respectful.
I am so very proud of who Club Hardball is and what we continue to provide… that said, support of our Mission Statement by Players, Coaches, Teams, and Parents makes us who we are.
Thank you for being part of Club Hardball!
Players, Coaches, Parents and Supporters of Club Hardball Baseball –
Today I write in a serious tone based upon some feedback we received at our Bees Academy Event last weekend. I view this is a Life Lesson and opportunity to emphasize responsibility and accountability.
We are a chosen partner with the Salt Lake Bees. We are the first inaugural member to the Bees Academy. It is our responsibility to represent ourselves properly. Before and during the game, the following was brought to our attention:
- The Bees were playing a game and our ballplayers were not sitting with their teams consistently and “learning the game” which the Bees graciously invited us to.
- Club Hardball players were rude to the train conductor, rude to general public trying to ride the train, and cutting in front of others getting on the train.
- Club Hardball players were spending more time on the berm, at the train area, playing football, etc. than watching the game.
- Club Hardball players were walking across the edges of fans blankets and seating areas.
I have always told each player, team, and coach to represent the name on the back of their shirts (Family name) and the front of their shirts (Club Hardball name) with honor and respect. You never know who is watching. We were wearing our Bulldog hats and Bees shirts. Many had on our red Bulldog sweatshirts. As such, we stood out… that comes with a responsibility by every member of Club Hardball whether you are a player, coach, or family member. In the future, if we are lucky enough to be invited back, the following expectations will apply:
- Players, Coaches and Teams will sit together to “learn the game” which is what the Bees and Club Hardball want for each of our teams. They will be allowed to go “play” based upon inning. For example, “you may now go to the berm during the 3rd and 4th innings and then you must come back and sit as a team.
- Coaches or Parents will be responsible for monitoring their players and teams when they are away from the game.
- Any rudeness, sarcasm, or lack of respect by any member of Club Hardball will not be tolerated.
I would ask each of you to go to our website and look at four (4) documents.
Club Hardball Baseball Manual:
This outlines our Offensive and Defensive Strategy as well as the expectations from each ballplayer and from their parents.
Matheny Manifesto:
This is an industry article that mimics how we like to run our Club.
Player Manual:
This outlines the expectations of our Ballplayers.
Parents Manual:
This outlines the expectations of our Ballplayers.
Coaching Manual
This outlines the expectations for our Coaches.
These documents are the baseline of what Club Hardball is about. Please remember, our Mission Statement: “Provide a Foundational Experience for Baseball and Life in Preparation for High School Baseball.”
The Dog House door at the Dog Pound is always open… if you have questions, comments, or concerns… please reach out to me.
Brad D. Beadles Founder | Skills Development 801.918.9037 (mobile phone) Bulldog19@live.com (club email) Club Hardball Bulldog Baseball, LLC
Hello Bulldog Family!
Welcome to our new website. I’m excited about the framework we are creating for today and the future. A special thanks to Tyson Downs and his Titan Web Agency for managing and maintaining the site. It is very much appreciated Tyson… thank you!
A few pointers about the website:
- The Big Bulldog Head will always get you back to the main page no matter where you are in the site.
- The Main Page is long so remember to scroll down for all the content.
- On the Top Right of the Main Page you will see links for Game Changer, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and GroupMe.
- On the very bottom of the Home Page you will see a scrolling scoreboard of all our games regardless of age group.
- Weekly we will be announcing a Player of the Week for each team. This is decided upon by the Coaching staff. At the end of the year we have a Player of the Year for each team and in order to qualify for that award, the ballplayer must have received the Player of the Week award at least once. The award for the Player of the Year is a custom Legacy Custom Gloves.
- We have three Social Media feeds with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Feel free to post messages and pictures as long as they are done in good taste and promote our Players, Teams, and Club Hardball.
- If you have any pictures you want in the Gallery, send them to chbbtreasurer@gmail.com
- We will continue to build out the Training area. Right now you can access the Baseball Fundamentals area by signing up with your own login and password. This is a great resource we use for all of our training needs.
Please take the time to walk through the site and give us any suggestions for future enhancements to the site. For example, one suggestion already made is to have our own YouTube Channel.
Coach Brad